Welcome to AdamCorelli.com

Adam Corelli in Paris in 1993

A life in media

Read a selection of articles I have written over the years for many of the world’s best newspapers and magazines. Soon also read about my adventures and misadventures on the Internet!

Navigating choppy waters

Story telling has sure changed since the days when newspapers dominated how we learned about the world. The communications mediums, tools and methods of informing upon the world seem to be in continuous flux. Indeed, am I a human or some sort of artificially constructed software intelligence? You be the judge…

News Archive

Whether it is about the most cats under one roof in North America or stock market frauds, please read some of the journalism I’ve published over the years here!

Picture World

I love the art of photography. Please review a sample of photos I’ve taken over the years, some published and many more simply capturing moments in life.

Internet Adventures

I had a plan in the early Internet. I declined $100 million for it in 1998. What followed you could call troubles.com!. Struggles in a web corrupted. Coming Soon!


I will post from time to time musings on things you might find interesting. I start with an article about domain names, of which I have been much involved over the years.

About Me

A brief biography of my incomplete life, including my experiences in journalism and web publishing, along with some of the personal highlights of a life lived.

Contact Me

I include details on how to contact me, including a form, a mailing address and email. I love to hear from old friends and make new ones so don’t hesitate to reach out.